Thursday, January 13, 2011

Believe in the Possibilities of a New Year

This was posted to the Young Living product blog today.

Since 1999 I have been using Young Living essential oils with my students, private bodywork clients, friends, family, and of course for myself. In all of my experience I can’t think of an essential oil blend that’s had a more profound impact on me than Believe™. It’s the perfect balance of Idaho balsam fir essential oil (Abies grandis), rosewood essential oil (Aniba rosaeodora), and frankincense essential oil (Boswellia carteri). Gary Young must have been truly inspired when he created this blend, which I refer to as “sunshine in a bottle.”

I have found success using this blend for communication or throat chakra issues. The throat chakra is the energy center for expressing our emotions, speaking truth, and the ability to grieve.  I personally use Believe neat (undiluted) on the back of the neck and throat area before I make important phone calls or have business meetings. Most recently I have needed to make specific requests and set boundaries with people and I have found that Believe helps me be concise and clear while still maintaining kindness and compassion in my communications with others.

In my book, Aroma Yoga®: A Guide for Using Essential Oils in Your Yoga Practice, I recommend Believe as a throat chakra oil. When we have a strong belief in ourselves and are in touch with our purpose, it’s easier to be clearer in our communications with others. In my experience using Believe, I feel that this essential oil blend gives me an extra boost of confidence, while also helping ground and strengthen me energetically.

Try using Believe in the morning before going to work or holding an important meeting. I recommend putting a drop on your throat and a little on the outer ridges of your ears as well. As I said before, Believe is an excellent oil for improving our communication skills. Excellent communication includes our ability to listen, not only to others, but also to our inner wisdom.

Just as I began writing this blog, I received a call from a woman who attended one of my Aroma Yoga classes in Florida. She fell in love with Believe, purchased her own bottle, and ran out in just one month. She told me that without Believe she felt like something important for well-being was missing in her life.

If you haven’t experienced Believe yet, I hope you will take the opportunity to try it for yourself soon—there is definitely something incredible about it.

Here’s to the belief that we can all have peace, love, abundance, and excellent health in 2011!
Happy New Year!
Tracy Griffiths